Strike could continue past October election: CAS exec
Support staff at Seneca College’s York campus continue to sport signs and hand out information to passersby in an ongoing strike initiated by the Ontario Public Service Employees Unions (OPSEU)
Support staff at Seneca College’s York campus continue to sport signs and hand out information to passersby in an ongoing strike initiated by the Ontario Public Service Employees Unions (OPSEU)
“The strike is affecting us. […] However, I think their strike is justified”
Access Copyright increases rates 13 times over
YFS exec says platform leaves “a lot to be desired”
A shiny new Starbucks stands in the spot where the Michaelangelo’s food stand used to be
Survey reveals over half of Canadian employees fake calling in sick to get time off work
Along with more than 30 other Canadian colleges and universities, York has ditched Access Copyright.
Leslie Armstrong covers the Toronto International Film Festival 2011, featuring refreshingly different films from around the world
Kudos to Ruqaya Ahmed for her well-written and thought-provoking piece, and kudos to Excalibur for publishing it.
Irish play Drama at Inish ponders the meaning of art in the festival’s 50th anniversary