Letters to the Editor

The Excalibur opinions section welcomes typed, double-spaced letters (no longer than 300 words). All submissions must be accompanied by the writer’s name, major, year and telephone number/email address. Submissions longer than 300 words will be sent back to be shortened. All submissions will be edited for clarity, spelling and grammatical errors. All editing is up to the discretion of the editor.
Materials deemed libelous or discriminatory by Excalibur will not be printed. All opinions expressed in the opinions section are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Excalibur staff, editorial board or Board of Publishers.
Send submissions to our office at 420 Student Centre, fax to 416-736-5841 or email to
letters@excal.on.ca. Please embed submissions in the body of the email.

New areas of the sex spectrum

If you need proof, look no further than the two supplements they let me put out this year: Food and Drink, & Love and Sex. A professional newspaper somehow gave me a non-trivial amount of space to essentially talk about booze and banging.

A serious addiction

It takes a few hundred hits-and-misses for women to go for the sweet, gentle, security-driven man. Even at that point, the bad boy can inspire infatuation, and infiltrate our dreams.