More walkouts at York Student Centre
“The work will be taken on by other staff. We rehire each semester anyway, and December is not really a busy month for us.” — Scott Jarvis, student centre executive director
“The work will be taken on by other staff. We rehire each semester anyway, and December is not really a busy month for us.” — Scott Jarvis, student centre executive director
York prez seeks rabbi’s apology
YFS pres says no student funds used to host event – George Galloway spoke at York Nov 16
Offensive comment at Dirty Bingo leads to second firing in two years
Free massages and de-stressing at York is U’s Stress Buster Carnival
It’s critical to raise awareness around transphobia because it’s something we, collectively as a society, play a role in. [A day of commemoration] is an opportunity for [York students] as a community to remember those who lost their lives as a result of transphobia — Darshika Selvasivam, V-P Campaigns and Advocacy
By-laws committee adopted most of the recommendations: YFS director
The YFS are finally making some changes to the student government elections process.
What international competition means for local universities
I remember one thought sticking in my head at that time: my university doesn’t give a single fuck about me