Online elections too inaccessible, YFS transitions to monarchy
SATIRE: The switch to monarchy was announced only by carrier pigeons.
SATIRE: The switch to monarchy was announced only by carrier pigeons.
Being a woman of colour in fandom is not easy, and that needs to change.
Changing restrictions, the surprise burden of hotel costs, and lack of support are major causes of stress for international students.
As with previous weeks, the main points of contention are job security and hiring equity.
The YFS elections voting period has begun and will take place over Zoom. However, Excalibur had some questions around issues with the move to an online voting process, nominations, as well as informing students of the election.
A year later, professors have learned more about adapting, compassion, and teamwork amid the difficult circumstances of online education.
Here is what Excalibur gathered about York’s announcement for a potential reopening along with responses from members of the York community.
*UPDATED* According to the YFS website, elections will be taking place online via Zoom. The voting period begins Tuesday, March 16 and ends Friday, March 18.
The Senate Executive Committee made a decision to limit the use of technology-enabled invigilation (online proctoring) starting Summer 2021.
The University Network for Investor Engagement (UNIE) plans to engage North American corporations on the risks of greenhouse gases and climate change.