IMPORTANT NOTICE: Excalibur Publications remains operational during the school year.
Our offices in the Student Centre are open, though our editors, staff, and volunteers are currently working remotely.
You can still reach out to us via email if you have any questions about volunteering, writing articles, tips, comments, or concerns.
You can also find us on Instagram!
Want to get involved? Let us know!
David Ros – Chair
Matt Dionne – Vice-Chair
Émilie Miranda – Alumni Seat
Eric Rail
Advertising/Business Manager
Anthony Salemi
Distribution Manager
416-736-2100 x 33800
420 Student Centre, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Phone: 416-736-5238
Fax: 416-736-5841
Letters to the Editor:
Excalibur welcomes all opinion submissions. Letters to the editor and other opinion pieces, such as community editorials, will be published in print pending space, but will be published online. The only restrictions are on material deemed libelous or hate speech that violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (as noted in our policies on procedures).
Your letter should be no longer than 300 words and it should outline your name, your major and your year of study (if you are a York student), and which article you are writing in regards to.
Excalibur also accepts opinion pieces written by non-editorial board members, i.e. members of the York community. An op-ed is typically 400-600 words in length, and includes the following components: the issue/topic being discussed, the author’s stance/opinion, and a call to action or resolution. The only restrictions are on material deemed libelous or hate speech that violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (as noted in our policies on procedures).
All opinions expressed in the opinions section are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Excalibur staff, editorial board, or Board of Publishers.
All submissions should be sent to: editor@excal.on.ca