Purniya Awan
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, those who have lost their loved ones remember and grieve. Some feel angry and confused, unable to understand how such an event could take place, resulting in a deep and irrational hatred towards Muslims over what happened.

Ever since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Islam has been severely scrutinized by some groups and individuals and Muslims have been painted as barbaric. Misconceptions about Islam and its followers has led many Americans to oppose the so-called “Ground Zero mosque”. However, I believe that there should be a “Ground Zero mosque” because it’s not solely a mosque, but a community center, and it will help to stop religious discrimination against Muslims.
The Park51 project, to use its proper name, is misconstrued by people to be only a place of prayer for Muslims. But most people don’t know the Park51 project is actually a 13-storey community centre two blocks from the site of the twin towers. It consists of a library, a swimming pool, a fitness center, a performing arts center, as well as childcare services, and most importantly, a 9/11 memorial.
Ten per cent of the building’s floor space will be dedicated to prayer. However, the prayer space will not be limited to Muslims — there will be no minaret, room for ablutions, or other essential features of a mosque. Park51 is a place open to anyone who would like to pray. It is a multi-purpose building which welcomes all communities, religions, cultures, races, and ethnicities.
Building this project, will also create religious tolerance. It is a community centre that welcomes all religions and shares the space with everybody, regardless of their religious background. It teaches people to understand and to respect everyone’s religion.
In President Obama’s speech in 2010 regarding Park51, he stated that, “[I] believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community centre on private property in lower Manhattan.”
Before 9/11, hatred towards Islam was uncommon. The events of 9/11 have brought Muslims into the spotlight of religious discrimination.
The Park51 project intends to ease the tension between Muslim and non-Muslim Americans by building inter-community peace and diversity. Park51 asserts that everyone should have equal rights when it comes to religion in America.
Tell us what you think:
The “Ground Zero mosque” to be built close to the twin towers is actually a community centre that is open to everyone. Do you think it should still be built near the twin towers?