To Change the World
CREATIVE: A poem exploring spring on Keele campus.
CREATIVE: A poem exploring spring on Keele campus.
CREATIVE FRIDAY: Poetry submission by student contributor Akshaya Krishnan.
Developed in December, the writer-in-residence program will explore poetry with Karen Solie tomorrow, Feb 2.
CREATIVE: Poetry submission by student contributor, Kaitlyn Langendoen.
CREATIVE FRIDAYS: A student contribution from Parth Puwar, BCOM, First Year.
CREATIVE: A daily mantra to cultivate personal growth
A relatable daily commute experience, in winter.
A series of poems inspired by Autumn
In spoken word communities, poetry is more than simply an art form, it is a form of catharsis. Just when people needed that form of catharsis, they couldn’t access it due to the very reason they needed it: the pandemic.
Author spotlight: Natalie Simonian, the author of ‘The Fundamentals of Humanity’, is a 24-year-old Armenian-Canadian studying liver disease by day, and writing poetry by night.