Political beliefs: nature or nurture?
How similar or different are your political beliefs from your parents? Let’s take a look.
How similar or different are your political beliefs from your parents? Let’s take a look.
During a time where few questions are answered and uncertainty runs rampant, the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine have shown a series of events that has the world’s attention.
With the intent of blasting conversion therapy out of the scope of Canadian citizens, the Liberal government introduce the aptly named Bill C-4.
After weeks in the global conference for combating climate change, members of the York community weigh in on our environmental future
Candidates Christina Love and Eric Frydman comment on their experiences running in the 44th election
The cancellation of the Vote on Campus program and a lack of acknowledgment of key issues affecting students may affect young voter turnout
April 7 is World Health Day and according to the WHO, the main focus this year is “building a fairer, healthier world” — including preventing health-related inequities and world leaders monitoring their countries to ensure better access to health services.
Less than 500 votes were recorded for just three contested positions during the 2021 YFS elections.
The YFS elections voting period has begun and will take place over Zoom. However, Excalibur had some questions around issues with the move to an online voting process, nominations, as well as informing students of the election.
The farmers’ protests and the ensuing government crackdown have those in India and Canada worried for their future.