News Department
Just over a year after Vanier College Productions (VCP) executive director Nancy Accinelli passed away, York has presented a granite fountain and set of benches built in her honor Nov. 24.
“Nancy was a giant and everybody knows that. The question was how to honour her memory in an abiding way. How could we do something that would last, probably last longer than all of us?” said Stanley Tweyman, master of Vanier College, to YFile Nov. 29.
Accinelli, a former executive director of the Vanier College- based VCP theatre company and co-president of the York’s Retirees Association, died Nov. 1, 2009 from a stroke at North York General Hospital.
John Beers, a VCP producer who worked with Accinelli, told Excalibur Nov. 10, 2009 that Accinelli “was a mother figure to basically thousands of students for almost 40 years.”
With files from YFile and Excalibur archives
York unveils fountain to commemorate Nancy Accinelli