Some students in residence are getting a double dosage of winter weather, having gone days without heat.
Ayiesha Aziz, a fourth-year psychology student who lives in Stong Residence, says her heating wasn’t working from January 10 to January 14. She had to rely on blankets and layers to stay warm at night.
“It gets really cold if there is no heat, and it’s been really cold the last four nights,” says Aziz.
Richard Francki, assistant vp of campus services & business operations, says a number of rooms might have no heating because frozen pipes have caused the heating coil in the rooms to fail.
Francki adds the university is working on repairing the pipes.
Though Aziz’s heat came back on the morning of January 14, she is still frustrated with the way things were handled.
“Whoever we talk to says they’re working on it, and we just have to be okay with it,” says Aziz.
If students are still facing heating issues in their rooms, Francki says they should let housing services know and people on call should be there to fix the problem.
Francki also adds that students should never leave their windows open in the room because pipes become frozen that way in cold temperatures.
“First of all, let us know. Usually if there is a frozen pipe, there is no heat,” says Francki. “Let housing services know right away, and we have pumpers on call.”
Victoria Alarcon
Assistant News Editor